Movie Breakthrough.  Stars Troy Beyer of “Dynasty” and Taimak of “The Last Dragon” led an all-star cast of newcomers in “The White Girl,” a love story with an anti-drug theme, written and directed by Tony Brown. Brown calls it “the movie the Blacks Stars fell on” and applauds an expert crew for the movie’s quality production. The film hired a record number of Black technicians and is rated PG-13.

Troy Beyer, “The White Girl,” and Teresa Farley are as talented as they are beautiful and Taimak is a man’s man as the male star. Because of this movie, the Black community (through Black consumers who bought the box office tickets and Black organizations that sponsored the local theatrical premieres and shared the income and the financial investment of Tony Brown Productions, Inc.), this anti-drug movie has earned a place in history.


In fact, “The White Girl” opened at The Liberty Theatre in Bermuda with no advertising campaign and beat Hollywood hits with word-of-mouth alone. As a result of the unusually strong attendance by families and the religious community, as well as traditional moviegoers, not only was the film a box-office hit for The Liberty Theatre in Bermuda during a trial run (May 1989), but its sales broke the house record of such blockbuster films as “Fatal Attraction,” “The Color Purple,” “Beverly Hills Cop II,” “Rambo III” and “Crocodile Dundee II” at that theater.

Thank you, Black Community, for helping yourself and remembering that you must empower yourself and not depend on others.

Register to receive FREE information on attending the upcoming “The White Girl Webinar” live, as part of the Tony Brown’s Webinar Series, hosted by Tony Brown, from the comfort of your home or office computer or on your mobile device, visit  for information. You can also get information on a streamed subscription that includes, at no extra cost, a streamed copy of “The White Girl,” a full-length feature-movie, directed and produced by Tony Brown, visit  For information on purchasing personal copies (DVD, Streamed or Blu-Ray) of the full-length feature movie “The White Girl,” visit

For information on purchasing DVD or streamed copies of “The White Girl” movie and/or a personal copy of The White Girl Webinar or on how to become a self-empowerment distributor of “The White Girl” feature movie and make extra income, visit

Click here and read pages 45 - 57 for information on the history of self-empowerment Black cinema and the stars, the production and unique distribution of “The White Girl” movie.

“Rise up, you mighty people,” Marcus Garvey exclaimed.