Separatism never has been the major driving force of Black Colleges. Clearly, these schools were not the evil the Brown versus Board of Education decision sought to eradicate. They were the product, not the cause of the evil identified in Brown v. Board of Ed, that is, the exclusion of Black students from White institutions. To pursue the desegregation process as if the Black Colleges have perpetuated segregation is to stand the mandate of Brown on its head. Even the federal court when striking down the dual systems in higher education – Adams v. Califano – noted that “the process of desegregation must not place a greater burden on Black institutions or Black students’ opportunity to receive quality public higher education.”
Take Black colleges out of the picture and we will lose 50% of all Blacks who graduate every year from college.
I invite you to watch a FREE video clip from “Black College Day” (TBJ show #408) and video clips from the Tony Brown’s Journal Video & Film Collection of nearly 1,000 historic and iconic titles that are streamed 24/7 at
Two added bonuses to this collection are my filmic essay on Martin Luther King, in which I share my personal experience as the coordinator of the record-breaking “Walk To Freedom” in Detroit on June 23, 1963, the largest civil rights march in history. This documentary essay is a story of truth, vision, courage and transformation and my personal friendship with Dr. King ( and The White Girl, a full-length feature movie, starring Troy Beyer and Taimak, that I directed and produced.
The award-winning and historic segment on Black College Day is available, in addition to a wide variety of programs on social issues, famous personalities and music that you can stream on