
Let do the teaching with 1,000 streamed videos in your home, your office or on your mobile device for a true Black history education. For more information, click here:

guarding-out-past-freeing-our-futureOur universal pursuit of a path out of the dark desperation humanity suffers from must start with a knowledge of past truths.  The knowledge of the past achievements of a people is the ultimate index for the determination of their potential for their future and success.

The truth is that we only need to regain an understanding of the human race, which, in turn, can provide us with the necessary insightful and historical motivation to finish the hard work that will restore the integrity that once filled us with pride.

This syndrome of the mutual self-destruction is engulfing our spirit, mind and body into a pathetic excuse for the proud people we once were – even when we were at the complete mercy of European enslavers. Specifically, this means that the progress of humanity itself has become fixated on racialist (not necessarily racist) identification.

The astute messengers of this universal truth included, but were not limited to, Marcus Garvey, Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, Madame CJ Walker, George Washington Carver, Henry Highland Garnet, Harriett Tubman, Carter G. Woodson, Malcolm X, Elijah Muhammad, Noble Drew Ali, Martin Luther King, Jr. and a handful of fair-minded Caucasian-Americans such as William Wilberforce and Thaddeus Stevens.

tbj-gift-certificateGive yourself, your child, your neighbors and your friends both a vision of freedom and the challenge of self-empowerment – along with a large dose of love for all mankind. Let do the teaching with 1,000 streamed videos in your home, your office or on your mobile device for a true Black history education. For more information, click here:



The nearly 1,000 TBJ video titles, with professional-grade online content and high-production values, are first organized into designated and independent areas of study that support home/distance-learning and supplement school and college courses. The priceless TBJ video titles from the Emmy-nominated, #1 nationally-rated TV series (1968-2008) that is “one of the top 10 TV series of all time that presents positive Black images” and about which The New York Times called “consciously positive.”

Categories, clusters and suggested areas of concentration for learning Black history and ancient civilization.  Each category is a learning focus, such as women’s studies, military studies, science, African-American studies, Africana studies, environmental studies, Gay studies, Jewish studies, civil rights, etc. These renowned clusters can then be considered from the even more fundamental academic levels of English grammar and punctuation for the audio-visual learner from the perspective of history, music, economics, finance, sociology, public policy, science, health, religion, linguistics, education, etc.

The history of the United States is typically used today as a means of seamlessly passing the opinions and attitudes from the slavery and apartheid era of America’s past to the next generation. Therefore, each new generation of young people is indoctrinated into the American culture with opinions and attitudes that do not include the positive history and dedicated patriotic character of Black Americans. That’s why a corrected American history that includes the missing pages of Black Americans is the cure for the systematic perpetuation of racism in this country.

Legitimate history is a work in progress because history always catches up with you. That is why we are in need of a constant retreading of the past.










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