Now that President Obama has vowed to take in scores of foreign nationals from the terrorist Islamist country of Syria who have not been vetted by any screening for citizen requirements, Americans had better understand what happened previously in 2007 in a parallel case of history to a 14-year-old African American girl who was gunned down in the streets of Los Angeles because she was an African American.

“Violence grew at an alarming rate last year in LA, continuing a trend of more confrontations between Latinos and blacks,” The New York Times warned in a front-page story.

We can use statistics to explain the adverse effects of the illegal immigration of foreign nationals on Americans who are of African ancestry, but nothing will drive our interest in this phenomenon like the impact of Americans being killed by foreign citizens because they are Black. The New York Times reported on January 17, 2007 on its front page when apparently not everyone believed that Black lives matter.

“The Latino gang members were looking for a black person, any black person, to shoot, the police said, and they found one. Cheryl Green, perched near her scooter chatting with friends, was shot dead in a spray of bullets that left several other young people injured.”  (“A City’s Violence Feeds on Black-Hispanic Rivalry” by Randal C. Archibold, January 17, 2007, front page)

“A City’s Violence Feeds on Black-Hispanic Rivalry” was The New York Times’ front page story that detailed the senseless and barbaric killing of the innocent, 14-year-old African-American child who was in the eighth grade and whose only crime was being born Black in the U. S.  Her other crime was being raised to feel proud of her African ancestry.  Her mother, “fighting tears,” explained that she had recently written a poem that began, “I am Black and beautiful. I wonder how I will be living in the future.”  Her future was cut short by illegal immigrants.

Unfortunately, the U. S. government failed to provide Cheryl Green the security promised her by the U. S. Constitution because it refuses to protect African-Americans from foreign nationals openly living in the U. S. illegally as organized armies (gangs) that use Black children for target practice.


Who did this awful thing? In my opinion, the death of Cheryl Green and other U. S. citizens who are victims of illegal immigrants rests squarely at the feet of politicians and officials like former LA Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa and former President George W. Bush who were philosophically hostile to the Rule of Law and promoted illegal immigration and sanctuary cities in 2007, while they refused to enforce U. S. immigration laws that were enacted to protect American citizens.

According to the LA Police Department that is busy trying to spin this Cheryl Green racially-inspired tragedy as a gang fight (in a city that has done very little about gangs and gang violence for decades), and although The New York Times article somewhat dispels the gang theory by offering evidence that clearly point to the fact that the lack of assimilation of a subset of Latino nationals who brought their racist attitudes toward African Americans from their White racist homelands to the U. S. and targeted Black people, the Latinos who are involved in this kind of racial violence are generally the most unassimilated foreign nationals in terms of understanding the culture and core values of the U. S.  And this criminal element is encouraged by U. S. foreign policy.

Some, of course, were criminals in their own country before most of them were encouraged to migrate illegally to the U. S., by the Mexican government, for the welfare benefits. (Read “Ferocious Differences” by Jorge Castaneda, Mexico’s former foreign minister, The Atlantic Monthly, July 1995

The foreign national perpetrators who pulled the triggers of the automatic weapons that killed Cheryl Green are, according to the Times story, “Latinos, particularly newcomers unaccustomed to living among large numbers of African-Americans.”

Both the media and elected officials seem to largely fail or refuse to distinguish between illegal immigrants who are unassimilated, i. e., “newcomers,” from assimilated legal immigrants who understand and accept American values and cultural diversity. Fortunately, The New York Times’ account of Cheryl Green’s murder did make this point. This assimilation matter is also essential to the understanding of the Latino gang violence against Blacks, and the destructive impact of illegal immigration on the larger society.

In the Cheryl Green murder case, police identified the killers as being among the “newcomers” from Mexico and Latin America who live in the United States illegally. It is also very likely that they not only killed this child, but they are also the most unassimilated Latinos in the U. S. population. This type of random violent behavior toward African Americans is rarely seen among the most assimilated Latino population.

Those high-profiled “leaders” who shape Black opinion for the White media have largely ignored the murder of Cheryl Green and are conspicuous by their absence in raising the consciousness about that incident. They also remain oblivious to the current floodgate of overpopulation immigration that has struck grassroots Black people such as Cheryl Green.

The Black establishment class and the Black chattering class are both silent about this Emmett Till-style 2007 slaying because they appear to be worried most about disturbing their political arrangements with Latino activists in the U. S. government-sponsored illegal immigration movement, led today by President Barack Obama.

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