Blacks can only get a good deal from the White House if they make the best deal with the right President.  And the right President is the President who eagerly accepts Black self-empowerment, as well as Black votes.


Home Schooling Black History Let do the teaching with 1,000 streamed videos in your home, your office or on your mobile device for a true Black history education. For more information, click here: 

In my previous blog, “What Did Black America Get When I Made A Deal with Ronald Reagan in 1981? $134,000,000” ( Abd'Allah Muhammad posted the comment: “We are in recovery as a people!”

Abd'Allah Muhammad, your comment was very kind, and I would also like to see our people enter an economic recovery phase. But with 95% planning to vote for a “Democrat grifter,” Hillary Clinton, for president on November 8, as early opinion polls reported, I am not convinced that we are making much progress.

A boxing promoter, Don King, introducing Trump with a N-word laced, potty-mouthed review of a thuggish Black lifestyle, drew “gasps and laughs” from a stunned, racially-mixed Cleveland Heights audience of upscale Republican supporters, according to the Associated Press.  However, King’s infamous depiction of Black people is a descendant of the Negroism and self-hatred found so abundantly in the thug sub-culture of African Americans.  He is only one of a significant percentage of Black people who degrade themselves and their ancestors daily by self-identifying with the same slave language that was branded into the mentality of Black slaves. Therefore, it is abundantly clear that before Blacks can scold Whites for being White racists, they must first stop behaving as White racists themselves.

Both Blacks and all of humanity got a new chance to renew their bad habits and improve their poor decision-making on September 22, 2016 when the planet Mercury turned direct at 1:30AM ET from its retrograde motion. Now the cosmological energy that governs human and animal behavior, including decision-making, will hopefully improve the potential of humans to make better decisions. I anticipate that communications will become easier, sound reasoning will return, contractual obligations will be honored and accurate decisions will be forthcoming. The mental fog and confusion will lift, according to the teachings of the Ancient Masters in early Black civilizations.  

That brings me to the fact that on September 22, after Mercury goes direct, our communications with others will be easier and our logic and reasoning will be in unison with the reality of the universal order, and will render us capable of good decision-making through rational thought and reasoning.

In the meantime, as you ponder election-day November 8, keep the following thought in mind: Whatever mistakes we make during the retrograde period (8-30-16 through 9-22-16) will be repeated until the lesson is learned. In that way, humanity uniformly progresses into a greater understanding of the reality of the universe.

Learn this lesson now and perfect it as Mercury turns direct. The election-day take-away of this cosmological lesson is: Please don’t give your precious vote away without a reward.  Both Democrats and Republicans must earn the Black vote with a tangible repayment.

Home Schooling Black History Let do the teaching with 1,000 streamed videos in your home, your office or on your mobile device for a true Black history education. For more information, click here: