Category: Black Music Roots
Lionel Hampton: A Grace Note
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Musician extraordinaire Lionel Hampton died on August 31, 2002, at the age of 94. This program chronicles his legacy as a musician, statesman, humanitarian and close friend of the Bush family. Tony Brown also remember...
Dr. Wyatt Walker & The Music Tree
6.25K Views4 Likes
Parts I & II. The revered Dr. Wyatt Tee Walker, aide to MLK and university scholar, musically demonstrates with a 100-member choir how Black Americans wrote their true history in musical notes and explains how Bl...
We’re Number One
2.51K Views3 Likes
A profile of Black-owned radio station WBLS in New York City that is ranked number one in the country. Guest: Percy Sutton and Pierre Sutton. 404
Thank God: An Aframerican Docu-Opera — Part 1
2.10K Views0 Likes
"The music of the black religious experience," contends Tony Brown, host of the televised "Journal" that bears his name, "is the primary root of all music born in the United States." (804)
A Music Legend Without A Home
1.82K Views0 Likes
Music legend Chuck Jackson discusses his career. (1718)
Songs For The Spirit — Part 2
2.62K Views0 Likes
Part I & II The popularity of nihilistic and satanic rock music has been blamed for the rise of violence among American youth. The influence of music in American culture is immeasurable. One case in point is th...
The Rap Against Rap
2.55K Views1 Likes
Pernicious words like “nigger” have become standard gutter talk among a “gangsta” subculture of African-Americans who call themselves rap artists. One black writer, columnist and cartoonist for the Tacoma Tribune go...