One-On-One with Lester Thurow — Pt. 2
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In Part II of this two-part series on "Making America Work For U. S.," Dr. Thurow charts his step by step process to eliminate the nation's multi-billion dollar deficit. One of the highlights of his proposal calls ...
One-On-One with Lester Thurow Pt.1
1.67K Views0 Likes
In a series of specials on "Making America Work For U. S.," host Tony Brown interviews MIT dean and professor Dr. Lester Thurow, author of Head To Head: The Coming Economic Battle. In his newest book, Dr. Thurow give...
A Star Controversy
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In the 1970s, Star Parker was a delinquent teenager, mixed up with crime and drugs. Life on county aid was far from impoverished - she was able to lounge in her own Jacuzzi, party at Venice Beach, bring in extra inco...
Honor At Last
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Tony Brown discusses Black War Veterans finally receive Medals of Honor (1997). Guests: Retired Army Captain Jehu Hunter, President, 92nd Div WWII Assn; and Harry Brown, Master Sgt, 92nd Division. 2002
An A-1 Threat
1.74K Views0 Likes
Tony Brown and guests discuss Angela Thompson and NY State A-1 Felony Laws. Guests: Emily Antley, Angela Thompson Supporter; Jeffery Jones, President, Help 4U Services, Group; and Jerome Marks, Retired NY Supreme ...
Hunting The Virus Hunter – Pt. 1
2.33K Views0 Likes
Dr. Peter Duesberg (renowned virologist) and Elinor Burkett (Miami Herald, reporter) discuss HIV, AIDS and AZT. 1410
Hunting The Virus Hunter – Pt. 2
1.97K Views0 Likes
Dr. Peter Duesberg (renowned virologist) and Elinor Burkett (Miami Herald, reporter) discuss HIV, AIDS and AZT. 1411
Is Self-Help A Myth?
1.99K Views0 Likes
Guests: Rhonda Robinson, Pres., Ohio Black Expo; Evelyn Flewellen, Managing Director, Ohio Black Expo; and Rick Singletary, Entrepreneur 1420
Why Don’t Blacks Do Well In Science?
1.79K Views1 Likes
Guests: Dr. William Hogan, II, VP Medtronics; Dr. Margaret Seagears, Director, Historically Black Research University Foundation and Dr. Edward Fort, Chancellor NC A&T 1419
Gone But Not Forgotten
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They are no longer with us, but their work and accomplishments are still impacting on the lives of the people that they touched. They are the heroes who turn into legends and forever etch their wonders in the annuals...