Those Who Fear A Black Awakening

The Success Phobia That Keeps Blacks Out Of The Game

Iheanyi Ojunta posted this comment to my June 1, 2016 blog: “Jason McKelvey, I agree with you Jason. Hatred only begets more Hatred. I see some black people subscribing to the ideology of segregation but what we seem to forget is that it could backfire on us and could usher in a new era of Jim Crow. Any business created by any ethnicity needs to be all inclusive. You cannot segregate and not expect retaliation from America.”

Iheanyi Ojunta, who said anything about hating White people or, for that matter advocating segregation? I didn’t. Why bring that up? Helping yourself is not hating others and stating the fact that Whites are not going to do for Blacks what Blacks refuse to do for themselves is not anti-White. Those are facts. What the above mentioned salt and pepper duo is doing in 2016 is what previous opponents of Black self-help have failed to do since I started making the case for economic development among Blacks. Some comments last week renewed the old charge that Blacks who tried to build up their own communities are anti-White.

The Tony Brown’s Journal website publishes and will periodically update an official list of Black-owned businesses that are committed to rebuilding our community. All we ask is that you give these self-empowerment Black-owned businesses a chance to earn your support and loyalty, click If you want a FREE listing for your business in this self-empowerment project, click here (

Since comments from Jason McKelvey, Iheanyi Ojunta and others seem to appear to speak to Black people as though they are a gaggle of mental retards, I want to share the views of two Black men who are ready to stand up to this tyranny of an updated version of White supremacy from a self-designated Native American and another with an African name. I am directing my audience to share this blog primer on the psychological need to express a distorted view and masked hatred of Black people who are the predecessors of Africans on the continent of Alkebulan, the Mother of Civilization, or Africa as it is known today.  See the Comments section of my blog “How Blacks Can Take Advantage of A Divided U. S.,” for Jason McKelvey and other opponents of Black self-empowerment, who call Black self-help advocates “racist,” or anti-White. Leonard Walker also brilliantly rebuts them, even those with African names.  So does Lenard Scott in an equally brilliant fashion, in the Comments section.

For too long Black people have been subjected to exhortations of Whites who in the name of "objectivity" have imposed their subjective views on the world about us. There is another witness with important evidence -- the Black person with a legitimate Black viewpoint. And only through the airing of a Black perspective will the former slavemaster, who invented racism in the first place, begin to approach an honest understanding between the races. But as long as there are those who, in their own racism, intentional or unintentional, are quick to label a point of view which does not agree with their own with epithets and defensive slander, we are still a long way from that small beginning.

The standards of accuracy, completeness, objectivity, balance and fairness is an ideal that no thinking person would dare challenge. But since each of our respective social and psychological milieus has developed its own special brand of honesty, can an absolute be developed to measure an abstract?

For 40 years when I was on national TV, Black self-empowerment haters tried to get my TV show cancelled because I fought for the right of Black people to be Black, but not bigots. The proof to back up that statement is the content in those 1,000 TV shows of what is now called “the most complete and thoughtful record of African-American opinion,” according to an archivist. Click here (  to stream this historic series into your home.

Back in 1975, I self-published a position statement to refute the prevailing opinion that any television program that presented a Black point of view or, more generally, the Black community, was anti-White. I am now in 2016 combatting the same schizophrenic delusion. McKelvey feels that I am biased because I take the position that Black people should not depend on White people and that Blacks who work to help themselves are the vanguard of a safe future.

Now to the empirical facts. I have never in over 50 years of professional activities in any of my television or radio broadcasts, my numerous public orations, in my scholarly academic activities or newspaper columns or blogs, in my social life or any aspect of my professional life ever stated that I harbored hostilities or negative opinions of anyone because of the circumstances or geographical location of their birth. Racism, in any form, is abhorrent to my natural essence and repugnant to my social and moral awareness because I AM.

My record of achievements and accolades for my journalistic performance are available if you click And the majority of those citations of my journalistic integrity and outstanding performance were awarded by White groups. Besides, every one of the thousands of TV programs, radio programs on the nation’s premiere networks, public and commercial, that I hosted and produced were editorially and legally vetted by the White controlled networks before they were released to the national audience. To see a list of my historic archive of TV productions, click

I don’t need racism or bigotry to help me succeed because my historic traditions will help me across the finish line.