Criminal Charges Up To FBI -- Will Obama Save Hillary? -- The Hillary Coronation Turns Into The Hillary Trial

Damning Report On E-Mailgate Shows Hillary Can’t Be Trusted – NY Post

Clinton’s Email Deceptions -- Wall Street Journal

State Dept. Report Faults Clinton On Email Server – NY Times

Clinton Violated Email Rules, State Dept. Says – USA Today

Even before the much-anticipated FBI criminal investigation on the anticipated Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, arrives, the U. S. State Department’s internal watchdog unit announced that Clinton broke government rules “when she used private email for government business.”

And that’s just the beginning. The big dog in this power drama is the FBI, the only institution of power that can deflect President Obama’s potential political protection of Clinton, and its forthcoming report on a criminal investigation of her activities as the Secretary of State.

A May 26, 2016 Wall Street Journal editorial “Clinton’s Email Deceptions,” headline stated, “Hillary Clinton has said for more than a year that her use of a private email server as Secretary of State violated no federal rules and posed no security risk. Only the gullible believed that, and now everyone has proof of her deceptions in a scathing report from State Department Inspector General (IG) Steve Linick. The State IG finds she knew the security risks she was taking.

“The IG concludes that the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee broke federal record-keeping rules, never received permission for her off-grid server, ignored security concerns raised by other officials, and employed a staff that flouted the rules with the same disdain she did.”

All the public can do now is to wait for the FBI’s report on its criminal investigation. Criminal charges, if any, will be brought by the FBI. Then that decision will enter the political debate cycle.

You can read the following breaking-news articles “Report Slams Clinton’s Email Use,” Daily Press; “Clinton’s Email Deceptions,” Wall Street Journal; “Clinton Violated Email Rules, State Says,” USA Today; “State Dept. Report Faults Clinton On Email Server,” NY Times; “Damning Report On E-Mailgate Shows Hillary Can Be Trusted,” NY Post; and “State Department Watchdog Rebukes Clinton Over Email,” Washington Post on this controversial issue for the details.

Let us hope that Americans participate in the electoral process based on knowledge of the facts and not political manipulation or rigged convention rules. At my upcoming webinar, you can express your specific choice for President in a confidential environment by participating in the opinion polls that will be conducted during the one-hour webinar, and later streamed globally via the Internet at

What The Office of Inspector General (OIG) Evaluated

As part of ongoing efforts to respond to requests from the current Secretary of State and several Members of Congress, the Office of Inspector General (OIG) reviewed records management requirements and policies regarding the use of non-Departmental communications systems. The scope of this evaluation covers the Office of the Secretary, specifically the tenures of Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton, and John Kerry.

What the Office of Inspector General Recommends

OIG makes eight recommendations. They include issuing enhanced and more frequent guidance on the permissible use of personal email accounts to conduct official business, amending Departmental policies to provide for administrative penalties for failure to comply with records preservation and cybersecurity requirements, and developing a quality assurance plan to address vulnerabilities in records management and preservation. The Department concurred with all of OIG’s recommendations.

Therefore, this blog which bases its fact-based conclusions on OIG’s official report document offers the evidence that may ultimately choose the next president.  It might also free historically persecuted demographic groups of American citizens, e. g., Blacks and women, from being manipulated with divisive partisan politics.

This blog post and links will also help prepare you to participate, with the facts, Jack, in my Election 2016 Webinar: “Who Should Blacks Vote For in 2016?”

COMING SOON: #Election2016 Live Webinar. A Rare, Historic Tony Brown’s Journal Live Webinar Event: “Who Should Blacks Vote For In 2016?” Click and register to receive FREE information on how you can participate in this upcoming live webinar.

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