Defend yourself with knowledge and lead humanity toward the Light.

I have dedicated my life to the only thing that can save us – a knowledge of precisely and historically who we are: the first human group to establish a civilized society.

Tony Brown's Journal which has been called “the most complete and thoughtful collection of African American opinion" contains nearly 1,000 historic videos and film. It is also my opinion, as a university dean emeritus, that by subscribing to this historic and iconic collection, you can have the potential equivalent knowledge-fund of a university Ph. D. degree in Black Affairs and history.  In the meantime, this knowledge-fund can be streamed to you 24/7 anywhere in the world an Internet connection is available.

I established a TV news bureau in 1970 at the Organization of African Unity in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It was televised weekly on my national TV series (PBS) in the U. S., and it was the only TV series of its kind in the world. This is an example of how I never let media use me; I used media. Now I’m proud to hand this legacy down to the fair-minded in your new streaming generation at

But let us hope that the trickle of inspiring awareness of what some are beginning to express will evolve into a gusher of pride in ourselves which will eventually cast a light on a new path to learning that will restore our past glory. We need your generation to lead us into better choices of behavior and higher standards because we suffer from diminished standards of personal responsibility.

You can download your FREE e-copy of my Tony Brown’s Journal Video and Film Catalog






View my Tony Brown’s Journal collection of nearly 1,000 videos and films, especially shows # 803 – The Destruction of Black Civilization with Dr. Chancellor Williams 

#202 – His-Story

If we get more truth seekers, we can dig our way out of this hole.  May we always be beacons of hope and inspiration.

I am happy that you will be watching the shows online by subscribing to what one archivist called “the most complete and thoughtful collection of African American opinion” by visiting

#thedestructionofblackcivilization   #blackhistory   #educators