Who should take responsibility for the condition of African-Americans?  Dr. Khalid Al-Mansour, author of “Betrayal By Any Other Name,” accuses both yesterday's and today's Black leadership.  Dr. Al-Mansour says there is a historic pattern "to trace the extent to which our traditional leaders have participated in the process of the destruction of the Black masses.”



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FEATURED THIS WEEK ON TonyBrownsJournal.com:

TBJ #1702 -- HAS THE BLACK LEADERSHIP BETRAYED ITS OWN COMMUNITY? -- Who should take responsibility for the condition of African-Americans?  Dr. Khalid Al-Mansour, author of “Betrayal By Any Other Name,” accuses both yesterday's and today's Black leadership.  Dr. Al-Mansour says there is a historic pattern "to trace the extent to which our traditional leaders have participated in the process of the destruction of the Black masses.”

TBJ #2405 -- ORIGINS – PART 1:  Dr. Khalid Al-Mansour, dynamic author of numerous books on Black history and culture, discusses the origin and achievements of the Black African Diaspora.   Dr. Al-Mansour traces what he calls an illustrious history that has been buried throughout the ages.

TBJ #2406 – SLAVE VALUES – PART 2: Dr. Khalid Al-Mansour continues his discussion of Black history and culture.  He details the effects of “slave values” on the African-American psyche and says that this slave mentality is the central crippling force in the African-American community. The presence of Islam in Africa is also examined.

TBJ #323 -- GREAT BLACK MEN OF COLOR:  J. A. Rogers spent the majority of his lifetime pioneering the field of Black studies with his exhaustive research on the major names in Black history whose contributions or even very existence have been glossed over. Dr. John Henrik Clark discusses Rogers’ book, “Great Black Men of Color,” and other important and historical works by Rogers.

TBJ #622 – WHO WAS MEDGAR EVERS?: In the early 1950s, times were hard for many Black Americans in the old South. Rigid segregation was the rule of the day and African Americans found themselves on the periphery of American life. But even before the birth of the modern Civil Rights Movement, one Black man declared non-violent warfare on the old Jim Crow system. Unfortunately, Medgar Evers became one of the many casualties of the Civil Rights Struggle.

TBJ #2201 – “IN THE WORDS OF FREDERICK DOUGLASS”:  In the 1960s, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. was the premier spokesman for the Black community, articulating the struggle for freedom and equality.  Rev. King carried on the tradition of another eloquent voice for Black progress and equality, Frederick Douglass.  This edition relives the Black struggle to achieve the American Dream in pictures and dramatic reenactments.

TBJ #2515 – “BANNEKER: TRUTH TO POWER”:  Imagine being Black in the 1700s and becoming a self-taught surveyor who played a pivotal role in planning the layout of our nation’s capitol and inventing a clock in 1753.  In 1791 alone, Benjamin Banneker completed the survey of Washington, DC, published his first almanac and confronted one of the nation’s founders, Thomas Jefferson about his doctrine of Black inferiority. Charles A. Cerami, former editor of the Kiplinger Washington Publications and author of Benjamin Banneker: Surveyor, Astronomer, Publisher, Patriot explains that there was a lot more to Banneker than what is written in the history books.


Tony Brown’s Journal, “the most complete and thoughtful record of African-American opinion,” is in the process of offering one of the most cutting-edge educational tools for streaming to educators, homeschoolers, students and parents.

The entire digitally re-mastered TonyBrownsJournal.com collection of nearly 1,000 historical, health and public affairs video and film content that was produced by award-winning journalist Tony Brown on national television for over 40 years (1968-2008) is now being offered in this rare cutting-edge educationally purposeful opportunity for as little as $9.99 per year.

BLACK REALITY RATINGS   These latest numbers as of JULY 22, 2022 document a significant growth in the size of the audience of Tony Brown’s Journal on Facebook and it amplifies META/Facebook’s own previous citation of Tony Brown’s Journal as “one of the well-known public pages with a large following that has been verified as having an authentic identity.”

J. A. Rogers: "Africa's Gift To America:" During the week of July 15 – July 22, Dr. Henrik Clarke discussed the great works of J. A. Rogers with the TonyBrownsJournal.com viewers. This Tony Brown's Journal blog reached 114,390 NEW VIEWS and ADDED 1,371 NEW SHARES (with an average of 1,500 new viewers per additional website = 1,500 x 1,371 = 2,056,500 new website viewers of Tony Brown's Journal).

Khalid al-Mansour: Has Black Leadership Betrayed Its Own Community? During the week of July 8 – July 14, Dr. Khalid Al-Mansour asked the TonyBrownsJournal.com viewers who was responsible for the Black community? This Tony Brown's Journal blog reached 114,903 NEW VIEWS and added 1,203 NEW SHARES (with an average of 1,500 new viewers per additional website = 1,500 x 1,203 = 1,804,500 new website viewers of Tony Brown's Journal).

Frederick Douglass: Orator, Statesman, Abolitionist: The July 4TH Blog Special on TonyBrownsJournal.com Featuring Frederick Douglass: Orator, Statesman and Abolitionist achieved new viewership highs with a TBJ record of 131,862 NEW VIEWS and a record of 2,122 NEW SHARES (with an average of 1,500 new viewers per additional website = 1,500 x 2,122 = 3,183,000 new website viewers of Tony Brown's Journal).

Black College Day & The Tuskegee Airmen: TonyBrownsJournal.com revealed that in the 14 days following the “Black Royalty: The Black Princess Series,” the TBJ posts on “BLACK COLLEGE DAY” AND “THE TUSKEGEE AIRMEN” advanced the total to another record of 221,595 NEW VIEWS AND 1,021 NEW SHARES (with an average of 1,500 new viewers per additional website = 1,500 x 1,021 = 1,518,000 new website viewers of Tony Brown's Journal).

The Black Princess Series ... TonyBrownsJournal.com in the first 22 days of the Tony Brown’s Journal blog and post on “Black Royalty: The Black Princess Series,” featuring Lena Horne, Diahann Carroll and Freda Payne received 289,353 new views. During the same 22-day period, the posts on The Black Princess Series attracted 961 new shares (with an average of 1,500 new viewers per additional website = 1,500 x 961 = 1,441,500 new website viewers oF Tony Brown's Journal).


  • Coordinator of the “Walk To Freedom with Martin Luther King, Jr.” in Detroit (1963), according to the July 29, 1963 edition of Business Week magazine, “the largest civil rights march in history.”
  • WINNER of the prestigious Silver Circle Award from the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences
  • Dean Emeritus and Professor, Scripps Howard School of Journalism and Communications, Hampton University 
  • First and Founding Dean and Professor, School of Communications, Howard University
  • Founder, BLACK COLLEGE DAY, 1980
  • 2015-2016 National Association of Black Journalists Hall of Fame Inductee
  • Black Emmy Nominee – 1989 Special Recognition Award Winner 
  • Distinguished Visiting Professor, Honorary Degree – American University, Paris, France 
  • Distinguished Visiting Professor, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA 
  • Talker’s, Radio Trade Magazine: Selected as “One Of The 100 Most Important Radio Talk Show Hosts In America” 
  • Tony Brown Chicago,” WLS-AM Radio (Chicago) 
  • Tony Brown,” WLIB-AM Radio (New York) Tony Brown at Daybreak,” WRC-TV (Washington, DC) 
  • Tony Brown’s Journal”/“Black Journal” (TV series: 1968-2008): “The Most Complete and Thoughtful Record of African-American Opinion.” 
  • U. S. Army 272 field artillery (s-1 Intelligence) battalion and cadre (1953-1955). Neu-Ülm, GERMANY. Honorable discharge.




“I was there 50 years ago, in 1963, one of the last two Directors left standing, where 500,000 marchers once stood.”  --Tony Brown


The following week, in its July 29, 1963 edition, Business Week magazine called the Detroit event the “largest civil rights march in history.” Subsequently, an official police source, in an affidavit, confirmed an attendance of “no fewer than 250,000 and as many as 500,000 people.”  Black people came mostly from throughout the nearby Midwest region.

More official confirmation has been forthcoming since then. Nearly 40 years later, in 2003, The Wall Street Journal would report on page one that the famed King Dream Speech may have had its roots -- not at the March on Washington (which drew 250,000), on August 28, 1963, but elsewhere, perhaps 66 days before in Detroit, Michigan where the attendance may have reached, according to an official police affidavit, 500,000 people.

Although I had no official role in the Washington March, I did witness it as a Detroit correspondent for the national Pittsburgh Courier newspaper chain of African-American local publications throughout the United States, an affiliate of the Black Press, from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial within a few feet of Dr. King and I was included in Life magazine’s limited photo coverage of this historic event.

All of this in only 66 days! My head was spinning with excitement and wonderment. It seemed that my Detroit decision to choose activism as a way of life had become my destiny.

2013 – 50th Anniversary “Walk to Freedom March” – Detroit, MI

Tony Brown (center) Grand Marshal of the 2nd and final Detroit March on June 22, 2013, drew 200,000, with his grandson Remy Harris (left) and Jesse Jackson (right).












Tony Brown’s Journal, “the most complete and thoughtful record of African-American opinion,” is in the process of offering one of the most cutting-edge educational tools for streaming to educators, homeschoolers, students and parents. The entire digitally re-mastered TonyBrownsJournal.com collection of nearly 1,000 historical, health and public affairs video and film content that was produced by award-winning journalist Tony Brown on national television for over 40 years (1968-2008) is now being offered in this rare cutting-edge educationally purposeful opportunity for as little as $9.99 per year.

Free streamed copy of “THE WHITE GIRL" movie with each annual subscription is a streamed copy of “The White Girl,” a full-length anti-drug feature movie directed by Tony Brown that was released via commercial syndication in movie theaters in 1995 with a PG-13 rating. The opening inaugural debut of “The White Girl” at the Liberty Theatre in Hamilton, Bermuda (Bahamas) broke the house box-office gross record, according to Hollywood Reporter, a trade magazine.

BLACK COLLEGE DAY BILL- White House cabinet members and advocates of equal education look on as President Reagan signs Executive Order 12320, just one year after the first historic Black College Day rally in Washington, DC, that increased the amount of federal funds to these institutions by $9.6 million. From left to right are: Education Secretary Terrell Bell, Tony Brown, Founder and Chief Coordinator of Black College Day, Thelma Duggan, Coordinator of Minority Affairs at the Department of Transportation; and Transportation Secretary Elizabeth Dole.








LEADERS OF THE BLACK COLLEGE DAY MARCH IN 1980; THE ULTIMATE UNITY RALLY. Supporters of Black colleges from around the country demonstrated to save Black colleges from new federal and state desegregation plans that threatened their historic role. This 1983 Black College Day massive march and rally in Savannah, Georgia, protested the merger plans of two Black colleges in Georgia.

