“Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, apologized Friday afternoon for telling a radio host that Black voters torn between voting for him and President Trump ‘ain’t Black,’ remarks that ignited a firestorm online.

“’I shouldn’t have been such a wise guy,’ Mr. Biden said in a call with the U.S. Black Chambers. ‘I shouldn’t have been so cavalier.’  “’If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump then you ain’t Black,’” Mr. Biden said.

The New York Times concluded: “The remark sparked immediate push back on social media, with liberal activists and conservatives alike jumping on Mr. Biden, 77, for acting as the arbiter of Blackness. His words also exposed wounds among Democrats that date to 2016, when many leaders felt the party took Black voters for granted.

“’I don’t take it for granted at all …. No one, no one, should have to vote for any party based on their race, their religion, their background. There are African-Americans who think that Trump was worth voting for. I don’t think so, I’m prepared to put my record against his. That was the bottom line and it was, it was really unfortunate,’” Biden responded.

No, Mr. Biden, if anyone thinks African-Americans are going to let this assault on their character go unanswered, think again! The bottom-line is the Negro-led bloc of millennial wannabe MLK leaders of an African-American demographic voting bloc will either save the Democrat (not “Democratic”) Party on November 3, 2020 -- or abandon it altogether.

In Joe Biden’s own words, these Biden supporters, Black, White, Arab and otherwise, “ain’t Black” enough to make him the next President of the United States.

FEATURED THIS WEEK ON TonyBrownsJournal.com ... Malcolm X

TBJ #310 – Malcolm X's Death: Other Voices: The program examines evidence on Malcolm X's assassination is examined, featuring the first and exclusive interview with Malcolm X's confessed killer.

TBJ #1603 – Who Killed Malcolm X?: Part 1 of this 1993 documentary on Malcolm X digs deep into the series' film archives to retrace 25-years of investigative reporting. Through skillful interviews, rare footage of the slain leader and readings of actual court transcripts of Malcolm X’s killers' trial, host Tony Brown unveils factual inconsistencies and a glaring example of what could be media manipulation in the reporting on the Malcolm X assassination. A never-before aired audiotape recording of the final minutes of Malcolm X's life -- up to the first shots that were fired -- is used for the first time.

TBJ #1604 – The Assassin: Exclusive Interview With the Confessed Killer of Malcolm X.  Part 2 of this series on Malcolm X features the exclusive televised interview with the only confessed killer of Malcolm X.  In 1981, in an intimate talk with Tony Brown from his prison cell, Talmadge Hayer explains what his and his co-conspirators’ motivations were and what happened the day Malcolm X was killed on February 21, 1965 at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem, New York. Talmadge Hayer, the only man to admit shooting Malcolm X, was released after serving 45 years.


FREE with each annual subscription is a streamed copy of “The White Girl,” a full-length anti-drug feature movie directed by Tony Brown that was released via commercial syndication in movie theaters in 1995 with a PG-13 rating. The opening inaugural debut of “The White Girl” at the Liberty Theatre in Hamilton, Bermuda (Bahamas) broke the house box-office gross record, according to Hollywood Reporter, a trade magazine.

The Tony Brown’s Journal advertised annual price for our nearly 1,000 streamed programs is currently $40. To encourage the participation of the students and administrators and faculty to benefit at a reduced cost in this rare cutting-edge educationally purposeful opportunity, I am willing to make an original and exclusive offer, pending negotiations (EMAIL info@TonyBrownsJournal.com for more info)

I am prepared to offer an exclusive opportunity to access the entire iconic and historic Tony Brown’s Journal Video & Film Collection to help advance the knowledge base of African-American history and culture at a dramatically reduced annual price, as low as $5.99 per participant (see chart).  This can advance the availability of an additional education tool in your arsenal of both history and technology for the participating students, faculty and administrators.

The entire digitally re-mastered Tony Brown’s Journal collection of nearly 1,000 historical and public affairs video and film content that I produced on national television for over 40 years (1968-2008) is now described by archivists as “the most complete and thoughtful record of African-American opinion.”

This collection also includes a full-length anti-drug feature movie, “The White Girl,” and was released via commercial syndication in movie theaters in 1995 with a PG-13 rating. The opening inaugural debut of “The White Girl” at the Liberty Theatre in Hamilton, Bermuda (Bahamas) broke the house box-office gross record, according to Hollywood Reporter, a trade magazine. For more information on this offer email my office -- info@TonyBrownsJournal.com.

Tony Brown’s Journal, “the most complete and thoughtful record of African-American opinion,” is in the process of offering one of the most cutting-edge educational tools for streaming to educators, homeschoolers, students and parents.  The entire digitally re-mastered TonyBrownsJournal.com collection of nearly 1,000 historical and public affairs video and film content that was produced by award-winning journalist Tony Brown on national television for over 40 years (1968-2008) is now being offered in this rare cutting-edge educationally purposeful opportunity for as little as $9.99 per year.