GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN ... NEWLY DISCOVERED shows on  TonyBrownsJournal.com

Our universal pursuit of a path out of the dark desperation humanity suffers from must start with a knowledge of past truths.  The knowledge of the past achievements of a people is the ultimate index for the determination of their potential for their future and success. My call to action is taken from one of the greatest believers in personal achievement that America has ever known. Marcus Mosiah Garvey urged the Black population to “Rise Up You Mighty People. Accomplish What Your Will" -- in other words, study, earn and demand equality, but based on your will to succeed at the table of success. And that is why I consider the Tony Brown’s Journal Video and Film Collection to be the foundation piece of our true value and the building-block protein of our will to succeed as a people. In my opinion, it is the practical equivalent of, conservatively speaking, a Ph. D. degree in Black Affairs and the history of human civilization.

I have recently uncovered 100 additional Tony Brown’s Journal programs from the more than four decades that I was on national television. I have digitized them and added these uncovered treasures to the vast collection that is already being streamed via the Internet 24/7.  However, before I post the entire segment, I will post snippets of them on my website, www.TonyBrownsJournal.com, over the next few months. During this time, I will share insights into the creation of these recently discovered programs.

One such program that I just located is GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN (TBJ Show #2214). This program highlights Arthur Ashe, Sammy Davis, Jr., Eubie Blake and Gen. Chappie James, just to name a few. These great men and women are no longer with us, but their work and accomplishments are still impacting the lives of the people they touched.  They are the heroes who became legends and forever etched their wonders in the annals of time and the recesses of our memories.

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