Tony Brown, “Television’s Civil Rights Crusader,” as Black Enterprise magazine designated him, is a broadcast journalism legend, producer and host of  “Tony Brown’s Journal,” the longest-running national Black-affairs TV series in history.

Tony Brown is the university dean emeritus and professor of the prestigious Scripps Howard School of Journalism and Communications at Hampton University and he was the first and founding dean, as well as professor, of the School of Communications at Howard University, where he established a highly distinguished academic and professional record. In 2012, Dean Brown was inducted into the Scripps Howard School ofJournalism and Communications Hall of Fame at Hampton University.

Since I will host the first event in my upcoming webinar series, I thought it might be helpful to formally introduce myself and give you some idea of what I have in mind for the first event, at which you are most welcome.

This idea was born among the many comments contained in your Facebook comments to my blog of December 31, 2015 . To offer a historical background for those comments, let me offer a contemporary update.

Our enslaved African ancestor’s minds were fed a steady diet of White supremacy indoctrination and self-hatred in the U. S., while their physical bodies were starved of nutritious foods, for centuries by European enslavers who routinely physically raped the Black women and men to satisfy their base human desire nature and to psychologically control the African slave population. Needless to say, the African captives were routinely worked to death. These defenseless humans, the descendants of an advanced ancient civilization that had given birth to ancient Greece and other Western civilizations, were now at the mercy of a primitive European culture that ultimately worshipped only worldly goods and profit.

The final blow would come later when the destruction of Black civilization was accomplished primarily through the eradication of the earlier accomplishments of ancient Africans, known today as Egyptians, who had previously founded the modern human world. Today that human miracle has been reduced to the sub-head of Black history and its significance virtually eliminated to an insignificant footnote, especially among the African ancestors of the very people who made the original history. Therein lies the paradox of the modern African-American. Therefore, it can only be resolved under the rubric of “Take Back Your Mind,” sans any misplaced desire to seek revenge from innocents of that era and contemporary European descendants.

That leaves only one pathway to liberation: self-empowerment.

I invite you to take the first step with me on this journey around the world to lift all of humanity out of the bondage of the poisonous mental slavery which has tied our hands behind our backs and destroyed the roots of the intent of the Constitution of the United States while placing both Blacks and Whites in bondage and perpetual conflict.

The story of this decline of might and power of African people in the world was magnificently captured in one of the greatest books in modern history, “The Destruction of Black Civilization” by Dr. Chancellor Williams, an esteemed historian and academician at Howard University, in 1987. Among other important footnotes in Black history, this book will be explored during the Black History Month webinar special that I will personally conduct at

For FREE information on registering for this important webinar, click while space is still available. It begins with the webinar on “The Destruction Of Black Civilization” on February 25, 2016 from 1PM – 2PM EST (10AM-11AM PST; 12-1PM CST). ACT NOW.