Category: Political Studies
10 Years After the Rodney King Riots
2.80K Views0 Likes
Business leader Bernard Kinsey, the former co-chair of Rebuild LA, discusses the impact of the Rodney King riots, where Los Angeles was then, where it is today, and why he believes that it is poised for a period of em...
2003 Supreme Court Decision and Affirmative Action
2.67K Views0 Likes
What did Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor really mean in her majority opinion on affirmative action in the University of Michigan ruling? Does it signal the end of affirmative action? Michael Higginbotham, a ...
A Multi-Ethnic State In Evolution
2.23K Views1 Likes
U. S. Representative Diane Watson serves the diverse 32nd Congressional District of California, where multiculturalism is a way of life. Does it work? Has California learned how various groups can live together with...
A Nation Divided
2.07K Views0 Likes
This edition examines the causes and effects of the Rodney King verdict, the ensuing riots and America's underlying racial tensions. This round-table discussion also focuses on race relations between Blacks, Whites an...
A Rap with Colin L. Powell
2.88K Views0 Likes
A discussion of Gen. Colin Powell and whether Americans would elect a black President. (1918)
A Stacked Deck
2.33K Views3 Likes
This edition takes a historical look at how Jim Crow and racism affected the economic growth of the Black community with Attorney Clint Bolick, Vice President and Director of Litigation at the Institute For Justice an...
A Voice In The Wilderness
2.25K Views0 Likes
Will America grow up before it grows old and how the Social Security entitlement crisis threatens you, your family and your country. Guest Peter Peterson. 1920
African Versus European Culture
2.48K Views1 Likes
Afrocentric historians have challenged the Eurocentric world-view of African history and culture. In his newest work, Dr. Molefi Kete Asante, author of The Afrocentric Idea, boldly confronts critics of Afrocentric th...
America’s New Immigration Policy
1.91K Views0 Likes
Before the terrorist acts of September 11th, America’s immigration policy was primarily focused on keeping out illegal immigrants from Mexico. The arguments for and against immigration have given way to the question...
An A-1 Threat
1.76K Views0 Likes
Tony Brown and guests discuss Angela Thompson and NY State A-1 Felony Laws. Guests: Emily Antley, Angela Thompson Supporter; Jeffery Jones, President, Help 4U Services, Group; and Jerome Marks, Retired NY Supreme ...