Melvin Phillips posted this comment to my recent blog: "First I will say thank you for responding in a respectful eloquent tone. For me, I have a difficult time with Black folk who seem not to want to be proud and Black. It appears (to me) that so often our celebs always talk about the part of them they feel isn’t Black and they follow that with pride/bragging about the so called other half. In this day, more Blacks have made light skin and dark skin separate races. I as a Black am always proud to see my Black (light or dark) people (from all over the world) become successful, and it hurts me when they seem to minimize being Black. But as they say, people can be who they want and do as they please. That being said, I still wish/wished Taimak well. Again, thank you for your response."

And I thank you for your kind response, Melvin Phillips, to my blog “Look At What Happens When Blacks Help Themselves.” Your message is the very essence of what the Black community needs to adopt as a mission statement of our purpose for our quest to achieve economic and social equality as a people. We must first forgive one another for not being light or dark and, most importantly, we must realize that our skin color does not define our character. All Black people (so-called) have labored under a White supremacist social consciousness and been severely damaged as the result of it, regardless of how “White” their physical appearance (phenotype).

I teach that “the only Color of Freedom is green” because green (self-empowerment) equals power in the United States and throughout the world. What we think of ourselves is our true wealth and value; the esteem in which we hold our own people is the true key to the kingdom of knowledge and wisdom – which is the gateway to eternal life. Start with pride in the character of Blackness and you will end up at the gateway of understanding.


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Click here and read pages 45 - 57 for information on the history of self-empowerment Black cinema and the stars, the production and unique distribution of “The White Girl” movie.